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// 01 . Services

Let us help you build your authority.

Niche Targeting

We focus on finding podcasts that are relevant to your niche or industry. Let us help you identify and target shows that are likely to attract your ideal audience.

Scheduling Done-for-you

Let us take care of all the scheduling logistics involved in booking podcast appearances, from coordinating with podcast hosts and setting up interview dates and times, allowing you to focus on preparing for your interviews.

One-Sheet Design

We will design a one-sheet that provides a visually appealing, informative, and professional one-page document that showcases your expertise, achievements, and topics you can speak about.

Pre-Interview Research

Our team conducts in-depth research on the podcast and its host, as well as the target audience, to help you prepare for your interview.

Customized Outreach

We craft personalized messages and pitches to podcast hosts, showcasing your expertise and explaining why you would be a valuable guest on their show. This tailored approach increases your chances of securing bookings

Reporting and Goal-Tracking

This service provides regular updates and reports on your podcast booking efforts, including the number of bookings secured, audience reach, and the achievement of specific goals

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// 02 . What we do

We help you build authority by appearing on podcasts.

Our service helps you build authority by strategically booking you as a guest on relevant and influential podcasts within your industry. By appearing on these podcasts, you can showcase your expertise, share valuable insights, and engage with a larger audience.

Targeted Podcast Selection

Personalized Outreach

Comprehensive Support

Your roadmap to becoming an authority.

Let us help you build authority and thought leadership within your industry by securing and delivering powerful podcast guest appearances. From niche targeting to outreach and preparation, we guide you through each stage of the process to ensure a successful experience for both you and your target audience.

Niche Podcast Identification

Customized Outreach

Expert Preparation

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Podcast Targeting

We collaborate with you to understand your goals and expertise, then develop a strategic plan to target niche podcasts that align with your objectives and reach your desired audience.

Outreach & Booking

Our team handles all aspects of outreach and booking, from crafting compelling pitches to coordinating schedules, allowing you to focus on preparing for your interviews and delivering exceptional content.

Performance Tracking

We monitor your progress and provide valuable insights to optimize future podcast appearances.